Top 8 Benefits of Digging Deep
1. Digging Deep’s tips, tools, exercises, and guidance can help anyone who’s in a rut to climb out of it and cultivate greater meaning and connection in life.
2. Focusing on gardening as a vehicle for creativity, transformation, well-being, and health, Digging Deep counteracts the current health crisis and growing sense of disconnection we’re experiencing individually and collectively in America, which is being fostered by our technology-obsessed culture.
3. The U.S. public spends more than 90% of their time indoors, leading an extremely sedentary, disconnected, unhealthy, and unnatural lifestyle. Digging Deep helps you forge a bond with nature through a variety of hands-on exercises, including daily Nature Walks, where you practice mindfulness and simply “being” in nature. By doing so, all of your senses are reawakened and you start to feel more alive, exuberant, and connected.
4. Recent research funded by Disney shows that 65% of U.S. parents see it as a “very serious” problem that kids are not spending more time outdoors. According to the survey, this is equal or a close second to their concerns about bullying, the quality of education, and obesity.
5. The creative, hands-on exercises in Digging Deep will enable you to flex your creativity muscles and give you the skills and self-confidence to envision and create the garden—and life—you’ve always dreamt of.
6. Digging Deep helps you bring a life that’s out of balance back into balance by learning to integrate spending time in nature and focusing on the stuff that matters into the daily fabric of your life.
7. Digging Deep helps you reclaim your playfulness—not just in your garden, but with ideas, projects, and possibilities—allowing you to become one with your playful self.
8. Digging Deep offers you a gentle way of opening up to possibility and a safe way of letting go through step-by-step bite size change. This is different than most self-help books, which advocate “quick and easy” solutions that encourage people to take larger steps than most people can integrate into their lives. So people end up reading the book and feeling good for a while, yet they never make any significant or lasting changes in their lives.
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