“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.-Maya Angelou

With the New Year, you’ve wiped the slate clean.

This is the year you’re going  after the big one. Something you’ve always wanted .


When you become creative:

  • You’ll no longer fade into the woodwork. Be boring. Or average.
  • You’ll be astoundingly successful (you can see that juicy promotion and company car already!)
  • People will admire you.
  • You’ll have a sense of  self worth.

The first couple of weeks are going great.

You’re using your visualization techniques. Doing daily affirmations. Reminding yourself to stay positive.


In a sales meeting at work. A colleague comes up with an explosive idea. The bosses love it.

He becomes an instant star.

You walk out dejected.

Like a limp doll after being run over by a car. You think to yourself: “Forget it. I’ll never be creative.”

You decide to give up…before you’ve even started.

 Stop right there.

 The only thing that’s stopping you from being creative is yourself.

Here’s the bottom line: YOU ARE CREATIVE.

It’s your birthright. It has just been squelched for years.  But it’s still deep inside of you.


You can learn skills that will help you develop techniques for being creative.

So let’s get started!


Tip #1:Imagine

Let your imagination run wild. It’s your personal playground where you can be free to explore and dream without fear and risk. Use it to cook up all of your fantasies, desires,  ideas, and hopes.

Tip #2: Observe

Stop racing through your day with blindfolds on. Slow down, observe anything, and everything…nature, people, objects. Tap into all of your senses to see, feel, taste, smell, and touch the world around you.

 Tip #3: Play

Use play as a way of accessing your childhood innocence and viewpoints. Let your spontaneity bubble to the surface and bring you into the present moment. Adopt a playful attitude, spirit, and way of living.

Tip #4: Embrace Limitations

Limitations force you to become more creative. When you face obstacles, figure your way around them. Use your imagination to come up with innovative solutions. Accept and embrace the present reality of what is, not what you wish it would be.

Tip #5: Solitude                            

Solitude is an essential component of the creative process. Use it as a time to reflect, discover, and express what’s inside of you. It’s only when you’re still that you hear your inner creative voice.

Tip #6: Trust Your Instincts

Your instincts are your most basic impulse formed by your essential nature. When you’re struggling with logic vs. instincts, make a choice that’s aligned with who you are, for better or worse.

Tip #7: Live With Ambiguity

Teach yourself to be comfortable in the ‘not knowingness’.  Practice not immediately rushing to make decisions. Anticipate the mystery of letting things unfold without needing to be in charge.

Tip #8: Take Risks

The most inspired creations are born of  leaps of faith taken by people who dare to venture into unknown territory. When your ego tries to pull you back to a familiar place, stay on your journey, and brave on to unfamiliar terrain. Take risks in spite of your fear, of the odds, and of giving up comfort.

Tip #9: Cultivate Patience

In our Western culture, we don’t like to wait. Zen practitioners spend entire lifetimes perfecting the art of the tea ceremony. When your brain begins to wander, bring it back to the present moment. Be still and patient.

A good place to begin practicing patience is when you’re waiting in line at the grocery store or bank. When you’re in a traffic jam. When you’re friend is talking endlessly about a subject you have no interest in.

Tip #10: Tap Into The Flow

Flow is a state of being in which one moment artfully leads to the next.  It’s when you forget your conscious self and recover your authentic self. It’s the place where your heart and soul lives.  It’s pure rapture.

When you let go of  ‘I can’t’ and  re-awaken your creativity, your feeling of joy and freedom will sky rocket. Your dusty dreams will become vibrant and real. And your life will be filled with richness, meaning, and beauty.

How about you? Was there a time when you were stuck in the ‘I can’t’ mode and able to work your way out of it?



Secrets of James Chartrand of Men With Pens, Damn Fine Words, and A List Copywriter
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