The Unstoppablt Courage Club

I’m thrilled that my dear friend, Tess Marshall, creator of The Bold Life, courage coach, and entrepreneur, is my guest blogger today. Tess is living proof of someone who has transformed her life from a fear based orientation to one of courage, joy, pushing boundaries, and taking risks. I urge you to listen to what she has to say~ it is powerful! With love, Fran

“When we are afraid of something, we tend to act with caution, play it safe and stick to the proven path.

We miss out on exciting experiences, new adventures and the possibility of living an exceptional life.

What areas in your life do you choose not to change because it seems easier to live in your comfort zone rather than risk trying something new, even if it could enhance your life?

When we ignore and avoid dealing with what keeps us small, our world shrinks and our fear expands.

Instead of gaining confidence and becoming courageous, we limit ourselves and restrict our lives.

What could happen if you take that course, learn a language or connect with others? What might
happen if you make the change, give it your best effort and hold nothing back?

When you fail, you learn about yourself. When you don’t even try, you imprison your spirit.

Choose to live like you have nothing to fear and everything to gain.

Do small acts of courage daily. Get up earlier.  Stand up for what you believe in. Smile at a stranger. Introduce yourself to one new person every day. Make a phone call. Initiate a conversation. Take one small step towards your goal.

Carry a sacred symbol or a special charm with you. It will remind you of your connection with others and of your personal power. It will inspire you to work hard and to keep going when you want to give

Choose to collaborate and thrive. It’s a higher vibration than one of competition and desperation. Open your heart and increase your loving intentions. When you do this, it’s impossible to lose. Your light will shine more brightly. You’ll experience a lightness of being. It doesn’t get any better than that.

Walk the edge. Give it your all. Don’t allow fear to paralyze you or stand in your way. Acknowledge it. Use it to motivate and inspire you to climb another mountain. Hold nothing back.

Radiate prosperity. An abundant life is connected with your thoughts, feelings, choices and actions about prosperity. Practice gratitude. Focus on what you have. Establish a profound belief that you’ll always have enough and that the universe will always provide. Hold a vision. Visit it daily.

Identify and question your fear. When did it start? What’s it all about? When have you felt this way in the past? Ask your fear if it has a message for you. Act on the message. Breathe through it. Remember that this fear shall pass.

Overcome fear with action steps. Don’t be afraid to take calculated risks. Work hard. Be persistent.

Persevere. Successful people are willing to do the tasks others refuse to do. Do three things that will bring you closer to your dream every day.”



Tess is offering an incredible opportunity to join The Unstoppable Courage Club for a limited time only – and at a reduced price!

The Unstoppable Courage Club

If you’re ready to take risks, make amazing changes and build your courage muscles this club is for you! 

Do you recognize this behavior?

You dwell on unfulfilled desires, failure, and regrets. You fear what others think of you, that you’ll always be stuck in an unhappy relationship, in a miserable job and that your dreams will never materialize.

You hold grudges against yourself and easily give in and give up. You’re tired. Really tired. You want less fear and more confidence and courage. You want joy, peace and abundance. If so…

Come Join The Unstoppable Courage Club

Some of the Benefits 

  • Discover the courage to be yourself
  • Make peace with your fear
  • Take risks and grab hold of unlimited opportunities
  • Bet on yourself to create success in every area of life
  • Learn to trust life to bring you what you need
  • Focus on a future that inspires you
  • Enjoy the ride. Be unstoppable.

Imagine your life one year from now…

What kind of extraordinary things would you love to have accomplished?

What impact on your career, family and life would you like to acknowledge?

Who have you become because of the difference you have made?

You know there’s more than standing on the sidelines of life. Yet, fear has always gotten in your way.

Guess what…

Fear is a part of life. But fear doesn’t have to run your life!

Tess Marshall, creator of The Unstoppable Courage Club

Tess Marshall, creator of The Unstoppable Courage Club

Courage is a mindset that can be developed and acquired.

Unstoppable Courage Club is a monthly membership program designed to help you do one thing: Befriend fear and move beyond it with courage and confidence.

When you live a courageous life you shift the energy in your relationships, your health, your wealth and your lifestyle. You make everything different.

You can have the life you desire and deserve!

I want you to experience faith in yourself, faith in other people, faith in your future and faith in your dreams in spite of your fear.

I want you to reach the heights that I know you are capable of scaling.

You’ll have access to the support, inspiration and tools that will empower you to befriend your fear, step into courage and take action on your heart’s desires.

Courage is a quality that allows you to have an unimaginable belief in yourself to achieve whatever you set out to do.

To become learn more about The Unstoppable Courage Club, click on The Bold Life.

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