Are you frustrated because you’re stuck in seeing things the same way all of the time?

You want to let fresh air in and shake up your perceptions but you don’t know how.

What if I told you that you could do one thing that will get you opening up like a flower in full bloom? That will stoke your imagination?

And that’s fun to do?

I did it this morning. By 530am, my juices were going strong. Even now, I feel like something deep inside was stirred up. Something that will end up as an ingredient in a rich, delicious stew.

What happened was both simple and profound.

One of my daily rituals is to be in the garden before the sun rises. I observe, deadhead spent blooms, cajole the plants, and take in the beauty surrounding me. Luckily this morning I noticed a freshly fallen orange canna flower laying on top of one of its leaves.

I ran into the house and grabbed my camera. And started shooting. From different angles and perspectives.

Here’s a series of photos that I took in less than 5 minutes.

Spend a few seconds looking at each one.






What did you see as you scrolled down the photos? Did you see the composition as anything other than a flower and leaves? Did you feel your imagination breaking through?

 5 Tips To Help You Shake Up How You See Things

1. Start with a Beginner’s Mind.  Don’t reject it. The ‘not-knowing’ allows you to play and learn with no expectations. It’s actually a part of your intrinsic wisdom.

2. Be still. Take a deep breath. Give yourself the gift of using all of your senses to take in what’s surrounding you.

3. Choose an object to meditate on. It can be anything….a chair, a candle, a tapestry, a stone. It doesn’t matter what, as long as it’s not moving.

4. Do the following:

a.” Sit, stand, or lie still and focus your eyes sharply on the object in front of you.

b. Without moving your eyes, broaden your attention until it registers everything in your field of vision, including the original object of focus.

c. Now still without moving your eyes at all, make the object the foreground of your attention, and everything else the background.

d. Next, make the object the background, everything else the foreground.

e. Focus on everything in your visual field at once while repeating this yoga slogan. “Floor to ceiling, wall to wall, all things equal.” “

Taken from Finding Your Way In A Wild New Worldby Martha Beck.

5. Re-frame how you see the object. When you start, if you only see a chair as a chair, then focus on one piece of it, like its legs, and imagine what it might be or what it could be used for.

Once you get the hang of doing this, you’ll be surprised at how quickly your brain and eyes are able to take what you thought was one object and transform it into something else. If you take it one notch up, you’ll be able to tell a story about it.

Fun, playful, and magical…oh yes. Kids love it.

That’s what I call firing up your imagination.

So, what are you waiting for?

Now it’s your turn. Share you stories about how you’ve experienced an object from different perspectives. Was it a momentary flash? Or did it linger? Has your imagination been sparked?

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